The following random notes from the thirties and forties will reveal something of the growth and activity of the church:
Jan. 28 Congregational .song leaders elected – Jacob Hamm,Diet. Braun, Abram J-:- Dick, John Janzen (District)
Aug.26 Elder Joh. P. Klassen, Winnipeg, speaking both morning and evening.
Feb. 3 Mileage on church business shall be three cents per mile. Miss Sara Wiens confirmed as Sunday school teacher.
Nov.15 Offering for Prof. Benjamin Unruh,Germany. John J. Dick elected as auctioneer for the mission auction.
Nov. 29 Youth programme in the church

Dec. 13, Music programme of chorale singing by young people
Dec. 25 Christmas, featuring Peyer Willms choir
Dec. 26 Boxing Day, featuring H. Braun’s choir
Apr. 4 Deacon J. Barkowsky in church again after his bicycle accident in January.
May 26 – June 2 Elder Benjamin Ewert, Winnipeg, speaking and counselling.
June 20 Song festival of the, four Leamington choirs and the M.B choir.
July 10 Engagement—– Jacob B. Konrad and Lena Walde – Sermon about Eliezer’s courtship (At that time the sermon was tied in with an engagement announcement). .
Aug.15 Rev. Abram H., Unruh, Winkier Bible School, speaking. on Noah’s being spared in’ The Flood.
Aug. 20 Mr. Rosenberger, revissionary to the Jews, in our church. Many had come-to know him in Russia
Aug. 24 Elder David Toews speaking on. “always abounding in the work of the Lord”, I Cor. 15:5-8. .
Nov.28 C. F, Klassen urging Mennonites to pay off air- travel loan.
1938: . .
Jan.13-14 Rev. P. P. Wedel, chairman-of Mission Board of General Conference, speaki~g on Jesus’ commission to baptize the converts.
May 15 Elder ,D. H. Koop speaking on: “Let the word of Christ dwell” in you richly,” ‘Col. 3:16 ‘. • .
May 28 Miss P. J. Wiens of India present. .
June 5 Baptism. Those baptized sing “Ich bin Dein, sprich Du daraufDein Amen” accompanied by piano.

Second row: Sally Cornies, Kathe Dick, Erna Mathies, MaryUnrau, HenryKrueger (Director), Elizabeth Toews, Helen Cornies, Mary Neuman. Thirdrow: Martin Tiessen, Peter Wiens, Henry Epp, Peter Tiessen, Jake Cornies,
Henry Warkentin, Annie Dick, unknown. Fourth row: Ernie Neuman, JohnWillms, John Tiessen, Nick N. Tiessen, John P. Driedger, Jake Toews, DickWalde, Jake Tiessen.

Warkentin). Second row: Gredel Wiens (Mrs. John Krueger), Justa Toews(Mrs. Cornel. Toews), Anna Hildebrand (Mrs. J. A. Dyck), Mary Friesen(Mrs. J. Barkqwsky), Helen Dyck (Mrs. John Sawatzky), Mary Konrad(Mrs. John Janzeng Agnes Barkowsky (Mrs. Abr. J. Konrad), Katharina •….Toews (Mrs .. Henry H. Enns). Third row: George Enns, Peter Dirksen, Peter ~.Fast, John Enns, Peter F. Willms (choir leader), Rudy Dyck, Jacob Bar-kowsky, Peter Hildebrand. –
July 29 Canadian Conference in Eigenheim followed by General Conference.
Aug.5 N. N. Driedger at Conference in Saskatoon.
Oct. 2 Elder J. H. Janzen speaking at Thanksgiving.
Nov. 20 Rev. B. B. Janz, the Moses among Mennonites, relates of a risk-filled apointment in Charkow and Moscow.
Feb. 5 Jacob Hamm elected treasurer and accepts position on condition that church dues be paid at his house instead of his driving to members for collection purposes. (Members reacted favourably to condition.)
March 5 Elder J. P. Klassen speaking on the sacrificing of Isaac. During winter of 1939, Elder J. J. Klassen of Saskatoon lecturing on the seven letters of Revelation. The Klassens resided in Leamington during that winter.
May I5 N. N. Driedger in Winkler, concerning non-resistance to war. The various branches of Mennonitism present, including the Hutterites. Prof. Bender at the meeting also. In Europe and America war clouds gathering.

Aug.20 Canadian Conference to convene in Leamington in 1940. W. Schellenberg and A. Willms to search for suitable setting with the Arc at the corner of Mill and Princess as a possibility. Because of war, plans eventually cancelled.
Sept. 10 Radio report that England and Germany at war. Canada also drawn in.
Oct. 8 Cancellation of German School. No meals to be served in church basement because of hostilities due to war.
Oct. 29 Rev. Jacob D. Janzen speaking on “Master, speak to my brother that he divide the inheritance with me.” Luke 12:13. His remarks made with reference to paying ‘off travel loans incurred when immigrating to Canada. It appeared necessary that some would have to pay for others.
Dec. 3 Evening service with B. B. Janz speaking on “The Escaped Ones” and D. Toews on the “Rich Young Ruler”.
Dec.4 House visitations by B. B. Janz and Elder D. Toews.
Mar. 2-3 Choir leaders’ course offered by K. H. Neufeld, Winkler.
May 24 Funeral services for Peter P. Enns (73) at the Enns’ home due to town council’s directive forbidding use of German public meetings.
May 25 Hate psychology fanned by the war results in vandalism at church during the night – dishes smashed, Sunday school material destroyed, etc.
May 26 Communion postponed.
June 2 Some Mennonites directed by Mounted Police to appear at town hall for finger printing. When it became known that all were born in Russia, the proceedings were cancelled.
Sept. 7 Meeting at N. N. Driedger’s house to discuss implications of conscription. Present Elder D. Toews, Elder J. H. Janzen, Elder D. H. Koop and Rev. Isaac Tiessen.
Sept. 30 Thanksgiving. One third of offering to Red Cross.
Oct. 20 Elder J. H. Janzen elected as chairman of Military Problems Committee.
Nov.24 Meeting of ministers at Rev. J. D. Janzen home, Wheatley.
Search of house by police follows.
July 20 Elder J. P. Klassen, Winnipeg, speaking on “And now, brethern, I know that through ignorance ye did it.” Acts 3: 17
Aug. 17 N. N. Driedger and Rev. J. N. Driedger, Sr., at the General Conference in Souderton, Pennsylvania, U. S. A. Americans were not officially at war at that time.
Feb. 8 K. H. Neufeld, choir master, Winkler, conducting music sessions in our church.

June 28-July 5 N. N. Driedger at Canadian Conference in Winkler.
Oct. 18 P. A. Penner, missionary, lecturing here.
Dec. 6 Baptism of 19 ‘C.O.’s, who are about to be called into service.
Jan. 17 Rev. A. Rempel, speaking on “Adam, where art thou?” Gen. 3:20
Jan.31 Moved and carried that Miss Anna Hildebrand (later Mrs. J.Dyck) and Miss Agatha Dick be asked to play the piano in an unostentatious manner before the church service. Moved and carried that an exit be constructed on either .side of the church to relieve the congestion at the close of a service. Moved and carried that the minutes of the annual meeting be read following a Sunday morning service. Moved and carried that the hymnary be used at weddings and funerals to replace the line by line pronouncements of the minister. To effect this change it is necessary to have hymnaries that remain in the church.
Feb. 14 Rev. H. P. Lepp, speaking on “I will guide thee with mine eye.” Ps. 32:8
Mar. 24 Bishop E. J. SwaIm (Brethern in Christ) chairman of the Historic Peace Churches, speaking on non-resistance issues.
May 9 Rev. J. N. Driedger, Sr., speaking on “Blessed are they that have not seen, and yet have believed.” John 20:29
July 3-6 Elder D. H. Koop, Vineland, and N. N. Driedger at Canadian Conference in Langham, Saskatchewan.
July 18 Rev. Isaac Tiessen and N. N. Driedger ministering to ‘C. O.’s in a camp near Chatham.
Sept. 31 Rev. Ger. Tiessen, speaking on “Blessed are those that mourn.” Matt. 5:4
Oct. 31 Rev. W. Schellenberg, speaking on “A cloud of witnesses” Heb. 12:1
Nov. 14 Sunday service cancelled in the church for the first time because of re-decorations.
Nov. 22 The new hymnary (with notes) in use for the first time. (The 1943 hymnary has since been replaced.)
Jan. 16 Elder C. D. Harder, speaking on “Where and when are you available?”
Jan. 23 Unanimously approved that Rev. H. P. Lepp of Northern Ontario be fully acknowledged as a minister of the church. The
first ushers are elected: John J. Toews (Con. I); Nick P. Tiessen; Jake Founk; John H. Enns. Heretofore the deacons had served as
ushers. Moved and carried to inaugurate a service with emphasis on asking God’s blessing on children born in that year.
Moved by N. N. Driedger but defeated that new church members be received and greeted by the Elder through a clasping of hands.
It is felt that an announcement of additional membership is sufficient recognition. (The handclasp was subsequently adopted.)
Feb. 6 Moved by congregational song leaders and carried that new melodies in the new hymnary be attempted in the congregational
Feb. 13 First service especially set aside for asking God’s blessing on children. (38 babies)
Feb. 20 Rev. Henry Harder of Oklahoma, speaking on “And was not disobedient to the heavenly vision.” Acts 26: 19
April 9 Easter. Rev. N. Schmidt using as text “The grain of wheat must fall into the earth and die.” John 12:24
June 4 Baptism on Pelee Island: Hilda Klassen, Elizabeth Schroeder, Helen Cornjes, Elizabeth Heinrichs, Jacob Heinrichs.
July 1-5 Canadian Conference in Winnipeg with N. Schmidt and N. N. Driedger as delegates.
July 30 Rev. J. J. Epp, basing his comments on “But if we have food and clothing, let us be content.” I Tim. 6:8
Oct. I Thanksgiving. Guest speaker Elder J. J. Thiessen, using the. parable of the rich fool as a basis for his remarks: (a)Think about
God. (b) Think about your neighbour. (c) ‘Think about your soul. (d) Think about eternity.
Oct. I Golden wedding anniversary – Cornelius Neufelds, parents of Elder J. C. Neufeld. Text I Chron. 17:16
Oct 5 Funeral of David F. Krueger Sr. (81). N. N. Driedger on this occasion using “For me to live is Christ and to die is gain.” Phil.1:21 .

C. K. Neufeld, Niagara, Abram Rempel, Jac.D.Janzen,Jac.Barkowsky,\Sr .. deacon.
Dec. 31 New Year’s Eve service by Rev. J. D. Janzen, speaking on Ps. 95. 1945:
Feb. II Memorial service for Isaac Lehn (20), killed in the European war action. .
Mar. II Rev. John C. Friesen, G\enlea, Man. Text: “The’ disciples’ struggle over rank.” John 22:24-30 .
May 8 Thanksgiving service to mark the end of the war with Germany. Text of N. N. Driedger: Ps. 146.
May 14 Funeral of Aaron Langeman (65). Text: “For I know the plans I have for you.” Jer. 29:11
May 29-June 6 Elder J. J. Wichert and N. N. Driedger at the General Conference on the Bethel College campus, Newton, Kansas.
June 11 Interment of Helena Kornelsen (94), widow, mother of Mrs. J. J. Thiessen. Text: Revelation 22:1-6
June 17 Message by Rev. Gerhard Harder, Ottawa, basing his remarks on Ps. 119: 162 “I rejoice at thy word, as one that findeth great spoil.”
Aug. 5 Rev. A. Rempel, Sunday School superintendent, notes language difficulties among Sunday school children.
Travel loans associated with immigration.Meeting in Vineland with Following as delegates: J. P. Thiessen, Jac. Hamm, John J. Toews, Jac. Willms, G. Krahn. Aug. 19 The first Sunday on which the prescribed Sunday school material is discussed in the sermon. A regular practice since then.
Sept. 9 Moved and carried that a levy of $9.50 be assigned to each member to pay off the remaining travel debts still weighing on some church members. Amount needed is $6500.00
Sept. 23 Rev. N. Fransen, speaking on “He heals the broken hearted.” Ps. 147:3
Oct. 30 Jac. N. Driedger, Sr., and N. N. Driedger in Waterloo to hear Orie Miller, secretary of M.C.C., deliver three messages.

Nicolai Schmidt, Abram Rempel.
Dec. 3 Bishop E. J. Swalrn, speaking on “Keeping God’s appointments.”
Feb. 3 Permission received at annual meeting to organize a school association for purpose of building a high school.
Feb. 23 C. F. Klassen of M.C.C., just returned from Germany, reports the first time on conditions there and the plight of the refugees.
May 19 Silver wedding of J. D. Janzens and A. Rempels. Speaker is J. H. Janzen.
June 2 Moved and carried that a balcony be constructed in the church because of seating problems.
June 16 Prof. Walter Hohman of Bethel College practises with church choirs. During the rehearsal the electricity is cut off because of a tornado in Windsor. Singers grope their way out of the church.
July 7 Messages by Elder Joh. Regehr, Tiefengrund., Saskatchewan and Rev. H. T. Klaassen, Eigenheim, Saskatchewan.
July 14 The membership permits the word “United” to be used in naming the new school association.
July 21 Laying of the cornerstone of the U.M.E.1.
Aug. 18 Meeting of membership after the service; Rev. A. Rempel replaces N. N. Driedger as leader of the church for a period of one
year. J. J. Epp named as Sunday school superintendent. Beef is to be purchased and conserved in a Niagara factory and then donated for relief purposes.
Oct Forced air furnace installed at cost of$IO.OO per member.
Nov.24 Dr. Abr. Warkentin of seminary lectures here.
Dec. I M. C. C. has asked for $23,000.00 from Ontario Mennonites so that 2000 Mennonite refugees may be moved from Europe to Paraguay. The church concurs unanimously to do its part in raising the money.
Feb. I Church membership stands at 711.
Feb. 2 Microphone installed at cost of $337.20
Feb. 2 Congregational song leaders added: Henry Krueger; W. Schellenberg, Jr.; Jac. P. Driedger, and John Enns (Poplar St.)
Feb. 28 Burial of Elder David Toews (77). Memorial service in our church with following speakers: J. J. Siemens, Winkler, Ps. 103:2;
Abr. Huebert, M.B., Revel. 14:13; N. N. Driedger, Provo 4:18.
Sept. 7 Miss Anna Letkemann, first of the Mennonite displaced persons from Europe, is greeted in the church.
Sept. 28 Piano players appointed: Helga Driedger (Mrs. H. Dueck); Margaret Willms; Selma Baerg; Miss Agatha Dick (reappointed). Mrs. Anna Dyck (nee Hildebrand) has moved to Niagara. N. N. Driedger re-assumes church leadership.

Oct. 12 The second arrivals from overseas. The relatives of Dietrich Neumans, Mr. and Mrs. Sysojenko, have arrived and are greeted in the church with the singing of “Lobe den- Herrn, den maechtigen Koenig”
Nov. 23 Memorial service for those deceased in past year: Nancy Lilly Koop (I); Mrs. Abr. Dyek, Con. 8 (46); Ronald Toews (4), Alfred W. Klassen (baby); Mrs. Isaac Klassen, Pelee Island (81); Jacob B. Konrad (36).
Jan. 25 A levy of $3.00 per member is to be garnered to enable M .c.c. to transport Mennonite refugees from Europe to Paraguay: William Bergen and John Braun to act as treasurer-s in this endeavour.
Mar. 7 Rev. N. Schmidt bids farewell to the congregation. He is changing his residence to Dunnville, Ontario.
Apr. 14 Interment of Bernard Konrad Sr. (71). Speakers are Elder J.H. Janzen, I John 3:2 “Beloved, now are we sons of God.” N. N. Driedger, Genesis 2~:56 “Hinder me not.”Brother Konrad had been church council chairman from 1941- 1944.

supervisors of the Church’s relief
work in the 1940’s.
May 30 U. M. E. I. has its first graduation with Margaret Willms as valedictorian. Guest speaker is J. H. Janzen, speaking on “If a man keep my saying, he shall never see death.” John 2:51.
June 6 Peter A. Hamm assumes duties of church custodian.
June 27 Elder H. Winter, having arrived from overseas, is greeted in the church. Sunday evening he speaks on Col. 3: 12-17 and describes his encounters while in prison and in exile in Russia.
July 3-7 Rev. J. D. Janzen, delegate to the Canadian Conference in Gnadenthal, Manitoba.
Sept. 30 Elder D. Koop, Brazil, and Elder Isaak, Paraguay, speaking in the church.
Nov. I Recommendation of N. N. Driedger concerning printed announcements for Sunday mornings is defeated. The first printed announcement appeared on October 30, 1950.
Jan.9 Size of congregation has increased to 790 members.
Jan. 9 Motions carried at a general meeting: Wages of custodian raised to $75.00 per month. Ushers elected are David Cornies, Herbert Hamm, George Founk, Henry Warkentin. Elder Henry Winter and family are officially received as members of the church. Rev. Winter is to function as minister and Elder.
Feb. I 1-13 Ministers attend course in St. Catharines. Elder J. H. Janzen lectures on I Timothy.
Mar. 14-19 Three weddings in one week: Edward Penner – Maria Wiebe; John Woelk – Frieda Bergen; Jake Braun – Mary Fast.
Mar. 26 Women of church in Harrow for the annual closing session of the women’s auxiliary. In attendance 105 women.
May 15 Rev. H. H. Epp, Waterloo, speaks on Psalm 71.
July 2-6 N . N. Driedger at Canadian Conference in Sardis (Greendale), British Columbia.
July 16-19 Mr. David Paetkau of Rosthern is here to instruct the choirs.
Aug. 7 Jacob P. Penner arrives in Leamington to assume teaching duties at the U. M. E.!. He speaks on Phil. 3: 12 in his first remarks to the congregation.
Aug. 20 Engagement of Peter Klassen and Kaethe Winter announced.
Ps. 127:1
Sept. 4 Martin Boese Sr., reports on his visit to South America.
Sept. 28 Ministerial candidates: Jacob C. Neufeld, Alfred Willms, Jacob N. Driedger.
Sept. 28 N. N. Driedger speaks in Windsor to a gathering of five adults and two children.
Oct. 29 First frost in Leamington area.
Oct. 30 Jac. C. Neufeld delivers his first sermon. (Psalm 103)
Nov.6 Parent-teacher meeting concerning the Sunday school. Mr. J.P. Penner speaks on the joy and grief of the Sunday school teacher.
Nov. 20 Silver wedding of Jacob Nickels, Detroit. Text: Numbers6:24-26
Dec. 18-20 Evangelistic services with speakers H. H. Epp and Jacob Braun, both of Waterloo.
Dec. 18 500 empty sugar sacks are purchased and sent to Paraguay so that needy persons have material for bedding, etc.
Dec. 25 Elder H. Winter delivers a Christmas message, basing his remarks on Luke 2.
Dec. 26 Rev. Hermann Lepp speaks on I John 4:9 “In this was manifested the love of God toward us.”
Dec. 26 Programme of singing, featuring the church choirs.The Ii fe of an individual consists of greater and smaller events and experiences with the lesser events doubtlessly outnumbering the greater. A church is like a person in that the seemingly insignificant events mold and shape it into what it is. The preceding chronological notations record both hills and mounds that would hardly be worthy of note in a usual report. Some events deserved greater elaboration and amplification, but hopefully even in the brief statements the spectrum of church life will have been made clearer and more understandable.