This is an imagined story about a tree and a rock, on Pelee Island, shown in the above picture. The legendary Hulda was undecided about jumping, but yielded finally, to the call of the earth. The rock is seen in the bottom half of the picture, slightly off center. The lake enveloped her and brought her to a sand reef that swathed her in a blanket of tiny granules. A light streak materialized above the reef as may be observed on the left side of the picture, below a tiny cluster of leaves.
A series of dead branches appear naked in the top half of the picture to the right, some standing erect in the act of sacrifice for the appearance of new growth. Four branches form a quadrilateral figure seen in the center of the picture revealing an unclouded sky.
The bough in the centre of the picture responded to the call of the earth to grow down, away from the sunlight. The branch curved upward again for a short distance, after which the pulpy mass was persuaded once more by gravity to give up. The result was a curved limb, on either side of which may be seen stumps of branches that had grown downward. As the picture shows, the arched limb then climbed upward yet again toward the sun, life, and green leaves.
The leaves of the tree are shown in the top of the picture. They are suggestive of sunshine, love, and happiness.